LCFA Committees

executive Officers

Dave English,
President (2022-2024)

Nichole Fox,
VP Administration (2023-2025)

Kerry Edwards,
VP Negotiations/Welfare (C/A term)

Sampath De Silva,
VP Finance (2023-2025)

Mike Mayo,
Faculty Relations Officer

LCFA Executive council & Academic Council alternates

If you’re not sure which constituency you belong to, click here.

Dawn Keith,
Constituency 1 (2022-2024)

Mark Klassen,
Constituency 2 (2023-2025)

Shoja Mazidi,
Constituency 3 (2023-2025)

Teri Dyck,
Constituency 4, (2023-2025)

Scott Lehbauer,
Constituency 5 (2022-2024)

Lorne Atwood,
Constituency 6 (2022-24)

James Reimer,
Alternate (2023-2024)

Ron Papp,
Alternate (2023-2024)

Negotiating Committee - C/A term

Kerry Edwards,
Negotiations Chair

Jeff Hamilton (Academic)

Gordon Cox (Academic)

Karla Wolsky (Academic)

Justin Romeril (Trades)

Vacant (Non-Continuing, Non-Trades)

Board of GOVERNORS Representative

Sheila French, Elected (2022-2024)

Student Appeals & ALternate

Connie Lyon,
Elected (2023-2024)

Edith Olson
Elected (2023-2024)

Gary Barron, Alternate, Elected (2023-2024)

Bylaws Standing committee

Dave English, President (2022-2024)

Nichole Fox, Chair, Appointed (2023-2025)

Dorothea Morrison, Appointed (2022-2024)

Stephen Graham, Appointed (2022-2024)

Natalie Barfuss, Elected (2023-2025),

Shoja Mazidi, Elected (2023-2025)

Rosemary Shannon, Elected (2022-2024)

Professional Standards Committee

Nichole Fox , VP Administration Appointed (2023-2025)

Edith Olson, Elected (2023-2024)

Darlene Ponjavic-Vornbrock, Appointed (2023-2024)

Occupational Health & Safety

Rhys Hakstol, Elected (2022-2023),

Catherine Rigaux, Elected (2023-2024),

Emory Hache, Elected, (2023-2024)

If you or anyone you know would like to join a committee, please reach out to